The 3-piece (plus) drum solo

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The 3-piece (plus) drum solo

Post by Tadpui »

I just ran across this and thought that the drummers in the crowd would appreciate it. This is pretty much me when nobody is watching (except the part where he's a super-competent drummer). Talk about using the whole kit!

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Re: The 3-piece (plus) drum solo

Post by SweetDan »



Anyone know what's the instrument to the left of the snare, below the hats? The one with the tambourine attached?
awesome youtube comment of the day
Lol it's still less satanic than whatever rituals Katie Perry and Taylor Swift do in their performances. 😂
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Re: The 3-piece (plus) drum solo

Post by liv_rong »

Pretty cool
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Re: The 3-piece (plus) drum solo

Post by vomitHatSteve »

Always cool to see drummers finesse as many sounds as they can from a kit.
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