JHS revives Ross pedals

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JHS revives Ross pedals

Post by Tadpui »

This was kind of endearing to hear. Mainly because Ross was based in Chanute, Kansas, not too far from where our future home will be built. And JHS is in one of the suburbs of Kansas City, where I lived for a big chunk of my life. I think that the brand is in good hands.

I was exactly the wrong age as a budding guitar player to know Ross as anything than an occasional pawn shop oddity growing up. It sounds like a lot of love and care went into the Ross and Kustom brands, and I love that it all happened in a neck of the woods that I know a little (and will come to know a lot more, for sure).

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Re: JHS revives Ross pedals

Post by Greg_L »

I know for a fact that the red Ross flanger is the best flanger ever made.
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Re: JHS revives Ross pedals

Post by Lt. Bob »

I have several Ross pedals ... the red flanger, a stereo delay .... um .. an OD/Phaser and a 10 band graphic.

My first real amp was a Kustom bass rig .... a head and two of the 3x15 cabs. It was actually a decent bass rig .... compared favorably to the Acoustic 360 which was real big at that time.
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