why do you record?

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Re: why do you record?

Post by JD01 »

Hi, interesting post.
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Re: why do you record?

Post by Alison »

A bit late to this party but, after a mind-blowing tutorial on Reaper with @JD01, got me thinking about this.

Reaper may be WAY over my head but, it's the learning process I enjoy. It's the challenge of trying to figure things out and get the best end result I possibly can. If anyone ever says to me that I can't do something, it makes me more determined to go out and do it! People poo-pooed me in Las Cruces. I offered to record several friends for free and no one took me up on it. I don't think they took me very seriously. . .I was just looking for the experience of recording someone else, being the engineer. Well, then I won an award, then I moved. . .aha, ha!

I'd be lying if I said I didn't care if anyone listened. That was a hope of mine when I played live, someone MIGHT actually be listening! One thing I love to do is put my music "out there" and see if it resounds with anyone or see if it touches at least one heart. . .yeah, I'm mushy like that! I also take a bit of pride in some of my work and since I don't perform regularly anymore, posting my work on Soundcloud, Bandcamp, or YouTube seems to fill that gap just a bit. Used to have dreams of making money with music but that dream went away a long time ago when reality set in!

So, I love to record because I love the learning process (even though I get REALLY frustrated sometimes) and it keeps me motivated to continue to write songs and learn/arrange more covers. Hell, what else is there to do in this small town of Tehachapi. . . :lollers2:

Okay, this was way too lengthy. . .just my thoughts, my two cents. . .
If I knew what I was doing, I'd be dangerous!
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