Reaper - having a problem with MIDI takes

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Reaper - having a problem with MIDI takes

Post by paulman »

I'm currently working on the biggest production I've done yet in Reaper, and I'm hitting some snags with MIDI editing. I don't like quantizing, so I played a bazillion drum takes and chose one main take. Any bad spots in that take, I just patch it in from another take. All natural, no quantization. The problem is, often when I cut a measure to pick the best fill or whatever, it won't stop playing the main take simultaneously with the new one I've chosen. Even though the main take is clearly not selected for that measure, and the new one is. It's possible I'm just missing something obvious, but it seems to be a glitch or something. Does anyone know anything about this? Did I explain the problem clearly enough?
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Re: Reaper - having a problem with MIDI takes

Post by Greg_L »

Can you just cut out the unwanted section and put the good piece into it's place?
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Re: Reaper - having a problem with MIDI takes

Post by Armistice »

In that situation I would construct a keeper take by copying, not cutting, from the various audition takes - same as I'd do for vocals - so you have all the originals still in place.

I don't get into the stacking of takes on tracks. Everything has a track. I'm probably not using functionality that Reaper has to its fullest, but it works for me.
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Re: Reaper - having a problem with MIDI takes

Post by Tadpui »

Try Alt+Shift+T to "crop to active take" for that section and see if that obliterates the non-active take. The trouble with doing this is that now you only see one take for that section. I usually wait until I've got everything comped together before doing that to the entire track, just in case I change my mind on a section and want to pull in a different take. But I usually do it at the end, just to clean up the track lane so I can tell what the hell is going on :)

I can't say that I've ever run into that issue before though. A couple of things to try:
- right-click on one of the takes and go to Item Settings and make sure that "Play All Takes" isn't selected.
- Right-click the record arm button on that track, go to Record MIDI Overdub/Replace and make sure that it's not set to overdub mode (which keeps recording future takes onto the same take...I love using this to go back and play the hi-hat pedal with the mod wheel of my keyboard)
- If you're using EZD/SD, open the plugin and make sure there isn't any MIDI hiding in the song builder MIDI lane at the bottom of the Grooves tab
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