Tidying up an acoustic

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Tidying up an acoustic

Post by JD01 »

A mate of mine was playing my Martin yesterday and got a bit of acoustic jealousy.
He somehow managed to lose the bridge saddle for his acoustic (moderate quality Fender) ordered one randomly and it was all wrong.

He's giving me his guitar to sort out for him, doesn't mind me spending a few quid on it.

1. How do I decide what bridge saddle to get?
2. How best to file it down the right height? (Previously I've stuck some sandpaper on the bench and gradually taken it down the right height by trial and error.
3. I think, from memory, the nut is OK. If not recommendation for some nut files?
4. I don't want to get into actual re-levelling and crowning frets. But a bit of a polish and some love wouldn't go amiss. How should I approach this?
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