The problems with annual Technology Upgrades

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The problems with annual Technology Upgrades

Post by rayc »

BIAB released it's 2023 version a couple of weeks ago.
They've subsequently released three "BUILDS" which is BIAB nomenclature for patches.
A total of 46 bugs fixed in a fortnight.
AFTER extensive BETA testing.
Some are as simple as correctly naming a file while others are from more involved issues.
The BIAB business model is to release a "new" version every 12 months which costs a hundred or so to download as an update BUT the new release is always plagued by bugs. As late as a week before the 2023 update there was a 400meg download "build" for the 2022 version - probably containing quite a few things to ensure compatibility for an upgrade.
The program was, essentially, rewritten in 2020 but there are legacy issue/hangovers that go back decades which are still unresolved.
It's incredible software but I do wish they'd take a year off to make the program less buggy - almost every user has their own "work around" for a variety of issues. Personally I think a debugged, stable program would be a great selling point.
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Re: The problems with annual Technology Upgrades

Post by Armistice »

So do they only do one release a year and introduce a whole new bunch of bugs features and then you have to wait for the next year to fix the bugs that doubtless were introduced at the same time?

I'm forever holding off upgrading software - you name it, I'll avoid it for a while, just to see if THIS is the release that brings the whole system and indeed, the world, to a halt... so I look out for the news. If I don't find it, a month later perhaps, I'll do the upgrade.

I actually wish Reaper would upgrade less often. I'm never going to do an upgrade during an active project, such as now, and now I'm several behind. I never actually read the "What's new... " screen anyway so whatever it is they're adding, I usually discover in a year or so... :biggrin:

Unfortunately much of the world of technology has outsource their actual testing to their customers. Couldn't do that with bank software. Get that wrong and there's hell to pay. :biggrin:
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Re: The problems with annual Technology Upgrades

Post by vomitHatSteve »

rayc wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 7:03 am I do wish they'd take a year off to make the program less buggy
Ah! You're describing technical debt, which is the bane of every corporate developer in the world.

New features drive sales! New features excite executives! New features justify your salary!
Finding and fixing all the things that aren't quite broken yet? What's the business case for that. /s
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Re: The problems with annual Technology Upgrades

Post by rayc »

Armistice wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 8:04 am So do they only do one release a year and introduce a whole new bunch of bugs features and then you have to wait for the next year to fix the bugs that doubtless were introduced at the same time?
Then address the new bugs as the year goes on...there've been an half dozen "builds" for the 2022 version across the year.
They do behave nicely though as some of the "builds" add new things or new Real Tracks...hopefully not buggy ones.
I didn't upgrade Reaper often for the same reasons as you...and I almost always have a project running.
Watching Kenny G lets me now there's a huge amount of stuff that's new and that I'll never use.
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Re: The problems with annual Technology Upgrades

Post by rayc »

vomitHatSteve wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 11:20 am technical debt,
New features drive sales!
Yes, a name for it techdebt!
Insanity in an industry that is driven by growth...incessant growth.
At least with BIAB I don't have to opt in for the upgrade. I ran the 2011 version for six years with no problems and still had a credit when I updated.
Their business model isn't great but the product is and the price is reasonable.
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